
And I am back!!

Hello world! I don’t know why but I have this strong urge to start blogging again – almost after 3 years. Wow…how time flies! Life has changed in these 3 years – for good I must say!

Ok, so first thing first – the biggest change of my life – We got blessed with a beautiful baby girl about a year back. Her name is Jyotsana – we call her Jo πŸ™‚ Β She is just what I needed to feel that life is now complete. But all said and done – she is the naughtiest child ever!!! But oh boy, do I love that πŸ™‚

What else… I am still working wit HP – so that has not changed πŸ™‚

I don’t think I would want to (or I can) summarize life that was in these last 3 years… this post was just to get back to one of my favorite places, my blog. And so here I am… and I hope I remain regular this time around!!!

What’s life without being disturbed by the right people at the right time!

How do you feel?

How do you feel…when you just can’t make someone understand your point of view?
How do you feel… when that someone is still the most important person in your life?
How do you feel… when you can’t afford to give up on that someone?
How do you feel… when you just can’t feel anything anymore?!

The rat race

Ain’t all of us running??? Yes, but I think everyone’s approach/level of interest/level of involvement is different…

I wonder how people can keep cribbing about the ‘rat race’ and at the same time get so engrossed in it that they take their personla lives for granted! And what are they left with… not much at the personal front for sure… maybe something (or a lot) at the professional front. But I really wanna know… does it give them a real sense of accomplishment? Are they really able to enjoy or celebrate that professional success after they’ve screwed their personal lives for that?

Someone recently told me that once his boss held a meeting on a Saturday… and said that you guys continue working..I’ll be back in a couple of hours.. and she got back even before those couple of hours got over… and guess where she went… to her son’s first birthday party… honestly, ridiculous is the only word that comes to my mind!

I don’t say there’s any harm in being that career-oriented also. But you must have your preferences clear in your head. Why do you have to have a child or even get married for that matter, if you are so concerned about your professional success?

My blood boils… yes!!!

Nostalgia….yet again!

I was just reading one of my colleague’s blog… posts that she wrote around her wedding (before and after)… and it woke the ’emotional Leo’ up! Looking back at the last 3 and a half years of married life… it’s such a mixed feeling…

Life changes…and how! Beofre I got married…I heard people say – marriage changes your life… I completely agree! But what I don’t agree with is the look they had on their face whike saying this… I had always believed that marriage is gonna be the best thing that will ever happen to me…and oh boy, was I right! I remember how everyone around me was shocked when I told them that I am getting married (yes, I got married realllyyyy early in life)… it was so unlike me… but the fact of the matter is that people never knew me… they still don’t! Sometimes I wonder if anyone has ever known me…I guess not! And the truth is that till one particular stage in life, I didn’t reveal my true identity to even my own self… and one day the curtains raised and I was shocked…rather surprised…You don’t know your strengths till they are tested…. you don’t know your weaknesses till you face them… you don’t know yourself till you confront!

Its strange…how you can comepletely alienate yourself from the world sometimes. Everyone seems a stranger… everything seems irrelevant. Only memories rule!

Oh man, I am so waiting for my December vacation… I promise myself to relive those moments in this vacation…all of them πŸ™‚

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Do I say sorry?!

I guess I’ll not…doesn’t make sense… πŸ™‚

Guess I’ll just start blabbering… hmm.. so where do I start? Ok..first lets see where did I stop… I stopped at swine flu. Well –Β god’s grace –Β no one I know has been affected by swine flu πŸ™‚

Oh, btw, I got a new job. Gosh, it’s been more than a month since I joined… tme flies…doesn’t it?!Β  And so far I’m loving..interesting work, and more interestingly, I get a lot of opportunities to tax my brains…the first prerequisite for a good job according to me!

Next, I read some books during this period – last 2 being P.S. I Love You and Rich Dad Poor Dad. Completely loved both of them. Ok, let me confess… P.S. I Love has been the first book ever that got tears in my eyes. Amazing book!

Coming to Rich Dad Poor Dad, it teached you how to get rich. Well, I won’t say it changed my perception about money and finances and savings… but it definitely was reassuring. And Sam also read it, and loved it too. One good thing here is that now (I hope) he won’t be upset when I take some risks in stock market πŸ˜‰

Ok, what next? I have been going through an emotional turmoil in one aspect of life. I can’t discuss the detials here but honestly, I never thought that this is something that will trouble me. Its amazing… if you look back, life will always throw all those things on you which you thought can never be a part of your story.Β That’s life. And as usual (like all other crucial times), I have decided to give it one-last-full-blodded-try and I’ll give up after that and take some real action. I know all this might be sounding very vague, so lets skip it and move on to the next thing.

And what is the next thing? Mmmmm… actually a lot of things in my head to write down… but less time.. so let me get back to work for now…I’ll be back and regular this time πŸ™‚

Swine Flu – scary!

Yes it is – especially the speed with which it is spreading. To the extent that today when my maid had cold and was complaining of body ache as well… I got scared! It might sound funny, but yes, I was thinking on those lines. Does she have swine flu – was the first thought! I hope not!

Ever since I read a post on Amrit’s blog about belief in God, I’ve been thinking which category will I fall in – atheist, thiest, agnostic gnostic???

I always thought and said that I am agnostic… but come to think of it, agnostics are those who are not sure whether they believe in God’s existence… but I am not that… I have full faith in God…but that doesn’t make me theist because I am not religious… I don’t believe in temples and pujas and rituals. So where do I fall?

I did some googling and found out that I fall in the category of ‘Agnostic Theism’, which is also known as ‘Spiritual Agnosticism’…I like that πŸ™‚ That’s just what I am…Phew! Some relief there!

Came across this interesting site today… Looks like paper business cards will be a thing of past very soon wth these virtual business cards. And, of course, paper business cards don’t let you share yur social media contact details.. whereas with card.ly you can do that… And as we all know, today, facebooks and twitters of the world are more important (and effective) than emil to stay in touch!