
Archive for March, 2008


Got the biggest shock of my life few minutes back… and here I am…. standing flabbergasted… don’t know what to do… don’t know what to say… don’t know whether I should do what I plan to!

Damn! I had no hint that a petite action done for time-pass will land me into this…

I just hope God helps my dear friend if He has created such circumstances where I can’t! I hate being selfish right now but had it been just me who was getting effected, I would have ran to help you… but its also about so many other people attached with my life… I am sorry!

Why did God have to do this to me… I am feeling so helpless…

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Well… after a long queue of sad and low-sounding posts (which I realized only after a mail from my dear friend)… here’s a better one πŸ™‚

Saturday night was great fun… It had to be when I was with three of the few important people in my life… Sam, my bro and bhabhi… and the ambiance at Taj only augmented it!

The candle light… the lotus pond.. the light drizzle… and the water drops falling in the pond… and accumulating on the leaves…wow.. I just love this place!!! It always gives me (and everyone) a different kind of a ‘high’… I wish I had my camera with me so that I could click some pictures… but no worries..I will make sure I take it with me the next time I go there.. I anyways can’t resist the urge to go there again for too long πŸ˜‰

And if all this was not enough.. Sam made the day even more special for me… by saying the sweetest of things he has ever said to me (A big thanks here to Vijay Mallya…for providing us with Kingfisher beer!) πŸ˜€

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It hurts…

Sometimes life becomes so confusing… you intend to do something and you end up doing the opposite (or so people see it as)!

But it hurts…

It hurts to see others upset/hurt because of you when you never even think of hurting them… in fact you intend to do the opposite!
It hurts when you expect something and something exactly opposite is what you get (Heck! why do you have to expect!)
It hurts when you think – Ok, this person at least will understand but he/she is the only one who doesn’t understand….
It hurts when someone compares you to a person whom you almost hate
It hurts when the one you need turns his/her face at that very moment
It hurts when you make efforts to make everyone happy but at the end of the day everyone is sad
It hurts when you have to write all this on your blog instead of saying this to someone, because sometimes you just don’t want to give any explanations attached with your statements…and people may not accept them as ‘just’ statements

It really hurts!

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This is a scary feeling that I have right now…can’t articulate it… but I am scared…very scared!

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…when you feel low for no particular reason. Actually not one, its been two..and I am hoping to get out of it soon. And I hate when people keep asking me what’s wrong when I have no answer for it… And the what I hate even more is.. when they don’t get an answer..they start assuming things. Why can’t they just let it be.. if they can’t make an effort to better it… why do they have to worsen it!

Why do we always have to have a reason for our mood (Its very difficult for me especially because my mood is always on a swing.. ever since I remember…and I just can’t help it!) And to be very honest, I don’t even want to help it…why should I? I am what I am! I wish I could make everyone understand that…

But I feel better now as my friends do these li’l things to cheer me up (without trying to know what’s wrong!).. One of them being a small note saying.. ‘Keep Smiling…It brightens the day!’…. This actually made me smile and made my day πŸ™‚ And now I will be going out for lunch.. my favorite cuisine (Chinese) has been chosen for the day πŸ™‚

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A very boring and dull day… not much work to do… not even enough intent to work! Don’t feel like doing anything..and on the top of everything, this stupid head ache keeps bugging me every now and then. I just hate it. I have started wearing glasses also..now what does it want?! I guess I should consult a doc now..high time! its been a month now… I have given it enough time… now I must do something about it…. Why am I writing all this… well…just killing time it seems! πŸ™‚

Yesterday I had a long and very interesting discussion with my colleagues… ‘Does God exist?’ And just as expected…no conclusion in the end… Goutam was stuck to his atheism and rest were stuck to their strong beliefs in God.. I guess I was the only one neutral out there..trying to tell them that there is no point debating over this because its a matter of personal choice. Some people want that ‘faith’ to carry on… to blame someone if something goes wrong..to thank someone if something good happens… its a confidence booster for them when going gets tough…

Oh boy, you should have seen how Goutam was ripping apart all the religions one by one and all the so-called ‘spiritual gurus’. Well, I completely agreed with him on the ‘spiritual guru’ part but then religion and God is one’s own choice… During the dialogue.. Alwyn told us about a new religion that has come up…Scientology. Apparently, there is a fiction-writer whose books were not selling so he came up with this new religion to make some money! Wow…now that I am sitting idle, it seems it would not be a bad idea to structure a religion of my own πŸ˜‰

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One Life…Live It!!!

This post is a vent for my frustration, my helplessness and anger at the same time. Frustrated because I see yet another person not ready to accept the facts of life and making a mess out of her life. Helpless because I am not being able to do much for her. And angry with the one who is responsible for all this!

They say that there are five stages of grief (I read this some time back!) – Denial, Anger, Desperation, Depression and Acceptance.

As per what I have seen around, it is most difficult for people to come out of the first. They like to be in a state of denial because they like fooling themselves and building false hopes. Because they fear the third and fourth stage. But why don’t they understand its doing them no good. Why do they make their lives hell for someone who just doesn’t deserve it? Why do they want to put aside even the whitest of truths and live on with their own assumptions? Why can’t they see something which is as clear as crystal?

They are ready to wait forever…but for whom?! Someone who has already moved on…leaving you far behind!

I know dear, it’s easier said than done. But at least give it a try, a full-hearted one! C’mon… I know you can do it! Go search for that silver lining…go get it!

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Why do you blog?

Just read a news item which says that a recent study in Australia has found that blogging can boost people’s social life, by making them feel less isolated, more connected to a community and more satisfied with their friendships, both online and personally. These people did a survey
and found out that most people wanted to start blogging because they were less satisfied with their friendships and they felt less socially integrated, they didn’t feel as much part of a community as the people who weren’t interested in blogging.

Well… do we rally blog because of a lack of friends and networking in our life? Not me for sure! I started blogging because –
1. I came across this concept of blogs which sounded very interesting to me.
2. I have always loved writing.
3. I think one can learn a lot from his/her past and my blog helps me in doing that.
4. It will save the bestest memories of my life… which I can see even after 50 years (If I live that long!)
5. It is a good medium to vent out anything and everything (paper-respite, as Monika calls it!)

So these are precisely the reasons why I blog. Yes, it lifts up my mood as well, but not because I am ‘networking’ more.

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Sham..The Great!

Sham and me were discussing why some people can’t express their thoughts and feelings (especially men) and this is what she had to say about it…. “Kuch log balti (container) hote hain, aur balti kabhi bolti nahin.”

I love the way she can handle the most complicated things in the funniest possible manner!

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One Wish…

If the Almighty grants me one wish…

I would ask Him for no great deal,
I don’t want no money, not even gold
God, grant me my surreal
Once more i cajole

I wish to wake up everyday..
To the feel of that heart beating with mine
To the look of that face, oh so divine!
To the warmth of those lips on my cheek,
To the sound of that breath that makes me weak.
To the touch of those fingers on my skin,
You know I can’t find that solace ever without him!


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