
Archive for the ‘cranks’ Category

Ain’t all of us running??? Yes, but I think everyone’s approach/level of interest/level of involvement is different…

I wonder how people can keep cribbing about the ‘rat race’ and at the same time get so engrossed in it that they take their personla lives for granted! And what are they left with… not much at the personal front for sure… maybe something (or a lot) at the professional front. But I really wanna know… does it give them a real sense of accomplishment? Are they really able to enjoy or celebrate that professional success after they’ve screwed their personal lives for that?

Someone recently told me that once his boss held a meeting on a Saturday… and said that you guys continue working..I’ll be back in a couple of hours.. and she got back even before those couple of hours got over… and guess where she went… to her son’s first birthday party… honestly, ridiculous is the only word that comes to my mind!

I don’t say there’s any harm in being that career-oriented also. But you must have your preferences clear in your head. Why do you have to have a child or even get married for that matter, if you are so concerned about your professional success?

My blood boils… yes!!!

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Food for thought?!

All those living in Bangalore…do you eat at any of the zillion Nandini restaurants here??? Stop at once if you do! Why? Have a look at the supposed chicken biryani served to one of my friend’s friend at Nandini restaurant in Domlur… it had some other complimentary creature in it…


And would you believe what the manager did when this person complained about it? Firstly he was not ready to accept his mistake and finally when he did… they offered him a free fruit basket and a diary to make up for the mistake… bloddy hell! Its disgusting!

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….summed up in 3 simple words…. IT GOES ON

Yes it does!

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Can you anymore invite your friends from outside India to come here and visit you? I can’t! Its freaking shameful… and this time apparently the targets were the poor tourists…for whatever reason! I read that these so-called-terrorists were shouting that they want everybody with a British or American passport…

Its insane…Mumbai, our financial capital, being attacked by these handful of boys (yes boys) between 20-25 years in age…coming on a boat full of ammunition, landing on a beach and whoosh go the guns…and half of our commercial capital is a hostage to this bunch of boys… unbelievable! God only knows how many millions are spent on the ‘so-called-security’ of hotels like Taj Mahal and Oberoi…for what? To welcome these assholes like this?!

A friend said that if still we don’t wake up, we deserve to be fucked like this….and I say…we are like those drunkards…yous hake them, they’ll open an eye, look at you, grin and go back to sleep! And they here doesn’t refer only to our politicians or higher authorities..its me, you and all of us!

A friend rightly said, “The scenes last night on tv were as we are talking about some debt ridden or insolvent country among turmoil of islamic terror like somewhere in pakistan or palestine or iraq.” It truly feels like that!

I know this is not the right time to dig old issues…because this one anyway is big enough for us to handle… but I like one more thing that he said…”Now one should ask those Marathi politicians why they are seeking help from NSG. They should deal with this with an “All Marathi” force. They were busy dividing the country on regional lines while terrorists were planning this.”

On a very different note, a thought just came to my mind… these attackers were all 22-23 years…I wonder how they put their life at risk for nothing?! I mean, how many of us will really put our lives at risk like this? What’s there in their minds? What’s that hatred, that passion, that abhorrence in their heads…????

Anyway…the bottom line still remains that this is one of the worst terrorist attacks on our country and IT IS SHAMEFUL!!! Isn’t this all crap getting very close to genocide?! Or do we already call it that?!

Another sad part is the loss of some of the finest officers that Mumbai had… Hats off to their effort! Its startling to see that the ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, who was coming out with a lot of information on some top ranking army officials and some Hindu radicals involved in various bomb blasts in the country is shot dead. Is it a mere coincidence? I wonder if anyone will evr answer these questions…. he whole episode is just not palpable… are we really that weak and stupid and insane… that just about anyone can come in and start their own battle in the country?!

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Have you ever had the urge to have someone to talk to so much so that you go through the whole damn phonebook in your phone in hope to find one name whom you can call and just vent everything out?

I have.

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In fact people/situations just worsen it all…. After the last rant-post, had loads of work in office… and was feeling bit down physically as well! And then to top it all got crazy traffic on my way back home…took double the time I normally take to reach home… and if all this was not enough…some people replied with all the WARMTH when I said ‘Hello’!

Now what come next is a very clear note/article for all those men who just don’t understand…ever!!!

What is PMS?
A woman of child-bearing age has a monthly cycle (the menstrual cycle), that causes her to produce an egg every 28 days or so. If the egg is not fertilised then her body flushes it out and she bleeds (she has her period).

In the days before she has her period, she may experience physical and/or psychological changes. Although not fully understood, it’s believed that this is linked to changing hormonal levels during her monthly cycle. Sometimes the symptoms are mild, but some women dread this time of the month because their symptoms cause major disruption to their life.

Symptoms of PMS
While the following list of symptoms may be caused by other conditions, they are also common indicators of PMS:
• Mood swings and/or depression
• Irritability and/or aggression
• Crying for no obvious reason
• Temperamental and increased emotional sensitivity
• Excessive tiredness

She may also experience:
• Headaches or migraines
• Tender or painful breasts
• Swelling or bloating

It’s common for women with PMS to see a gradual worsening of their symptoms during the week running up to their period, with a rapid or gradual disappearance of symptoms when their period starts. However, for some women, symptoms may last during their period or even for a couple of days after it has finished.

Understanding PMS
PMS has been blamed as a significant cause for a large proportion of relationship break-ups. Largely this is because the man doesn’t understand what PMS does to the woman, he doesn’t know how to recognise the signs and he doesn’t know how to react.

The important thing to remember is that she’s not behaving that way deliberately! In fact, if she could change it, she would. My partner hates the way she behaves when she has PMS, because she’s not in control of her emotions. I know how that sounds to a man because we’re always in control, but think of a time when you’ve been so angry with someone that you’ve snapped at someone else – my partner explains that PMS is like the person that makes her so angry.

When she has PMS she is less tolerant and is likely to react to any small thing that doesn’t go her way. She’s also more likely to argue and will even push a point just to start an argument! At first I could not fathom why she would do this – she said she loved me yet wanted to fight?!?! Slowly I began to recognise when she had PMS and was showing the symptoms of irritability, mood swings and increased emotion. It’s not that she wanted to fight, but she was so emotionally wound up that it was just a reaction to how she felt.

Living with PMS
So how do you live with someone who has PMS without wanting to kill them?! Here are some tips I’ve learned:

1. Learn to count! Yes, I’m serious – the cycle happens about every 28 days so remember when the last PMS episode occurred then calculate when it’ll happen again. Mark it on a calendar if necessary but trust me, counting the days is the easiest & most reliable method.

2. Recognise the signs. If your partner does not usually show any of the symptoms listed above, and then suddenly she does (without any other reasons), then there’s a good chance she has PMS. So paying attention to her moods and knowing when they change can be a useful indicator of her state of mind.

3. Ask her! If she tells you that she’s suddenly very tired or is feeling irritable, then saying to her “are you due for your period?” would be a reasonable and acceptable question. In fact she’ll probably appreciate the fact that you’re willing and able to talk about it with her.

4. Understand what she needs. When she has PMS she feels bad enough already without needing to feel guilty for her behaviour, so don’t escalate the situations into arguments. Try to smooth things over, tell her you understand she’s not herself and re-assure her that you still love her no matter what.

It’s important for a woman to know that her partner has accepted PMS as a very real thing and that the symptoms will happen every month. If he’s ready to accept that and will find ways to deal with it then she’ll appreciate his support and the relationship will benefit.

In conclusion, PMS is a very real phenomenon for the majority of women and is responsible for a variety of symptoms that can affect moods and feelings. PMS can have detrimental effects on relationships but understanding it can help couples overcome the problems and build a stronger bond. Especially if you’ve both talked about PMS and you’ve taken the time to understand how it affects her.

I’ll be more than happy if this can help someone else at least…if not me!

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Ranting time again!

Yes, I am irritated again. Like really bad! And by now, I am sure all of you are well-aware of my mood swings… so its just another one… nothing special really.. its just that time!

But right now everything seem so wrong…and at this point, I am capable of grumbling over just about anything…like the wind blowing or the sun shining or the mountains not moving or the sky not being pink or the water being wet or the Earth being round or whatever!

I hate it. I hate these oscilliations in my freaking head! But as always writing helps… and am feeling li’l better already but then people…still beware of me today!

Someone help me smile…plzzzzzzzz!!!

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For sure I am! Right now I remember a phrase from the book ‘Five Point Someone’ – Its one of those moments when you wish that dinosaurs were not extinct and one of them could come here right now and just eat you up!

For all these years that I have been alive and reading and writing, I thought that the word ‘crib’ meant complain or nitpick or something like that but heck just today I realized it actually means either a cot or cheat/copy/plagiarise.

Huh! How is this possible. I would have used this word some thousand times till date. I am just wondering did they change the meaning recently or was it always this? And somehow I have this feeling that many others also think what I thought it to be? Is it?

C’mon be honest and tell me – Before reading thnis post, did you know the real meaning of the word ‘crib’? I might be sounding very foolish if you actually knew it but I still want to know!

Ok guys…this is an update after about 24 hours of writing this post… I am not so ashamed of myself now 🙂 Because each and every person I talked to also thought that crib means to rant/complain…hahaha…In fact now I’m feling proud that I was the first one to discover the real meaning amongst all of us 🙂

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Inspired by Sameer’s post and after witnessing his grumbles, I need your opinions on this. Why do you think people can’t talk it out straight? Why do they have a gray to each of their answers (in case they chose to address your questions)? How does it help them being ambiguous, vague, tame, colorless and irresolute? Well… some points that I can think of are –

1. They actually take false pride in that ambiguity by thinking that it gives them all that ‘importance’.

2. They fear offending the other person by saying something that one would not like to hear.

3. They really are that vague by nature!

4. They don’t know what to say.

Will add more to the list when I can think of them… till then you tell me what do you think!

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Well…. I think I am 🙂

But is it good to be a good listener… I am not really sure of that! It gets infuriating at times when everyone is jumping on you with all the problems in the world… it makes you also feel low even when you don’t have any problems in your life as such. It does that to me at least. But then I don’t how to draw the line… I don’t know how to tell them to get off… I don’t mind helping out people if I can but then there’s a limit to everything… there’s a limit to the amount of crap that I can also take in!

Though I am happy that people trust me and can confide in me… I love rallying around as well..but then sometimes it gets so crappy that you just can’t take it anymore!!!

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